Learn the proven step by step format Andrew Kroeze used to grow multiple Facebook Groups to over thousands of members and make over a million dollars in the process.
how is everybody doing i hope everybody's doing good today i'm actually here with uh one of the most wanted in america i
mean uh that's a good thing that's in a good way a good way most wanted for you know just as far as just helping you build your business i mean Andrew does a lot of things everybody you know if you've been if you've seen my feed have you seen anybody else's be friends on my uh timeline or you know in my group or whatever you know you pretty much seen his pose you've seen people talk about it i'm excited for him to be here he's busy we actually playing this probably i'm gonna almost a year ago i had stuff to do he had stuff to do but obviously he's a lot busier than i am but still we're so happy that he is here he is going to come in actually just go ahead and do this now you know before we really get started go ahead grab a notebook grab a pen because you're going to want to take notes on this i mean you saw the post you saw everything that he did i mean as far as just in a short amount of time this guy he knows what he's doing as far as setting up systems and everything as far as building facebook groups that's his specialty but i mean he has other things in that man he's good at building relationships he actually just did uh um group i mean he actually just had a conference that he did a live event and a lot of people showed up everybody said it was powerful i mean the things once you get in touch with these people especially if you get in with him once you get in this close-knit group you will actually i mean you'll just expand in your bro i actually talked to one guy i'm going to call his name out actually he is um i met him in atlanta j.r rivas's event what isn't that phillip and actually he was in germany and um his business was doing pretty good but then i actually met him again in miami actually i saw him in atlanta the first time probably about four or five months went by and i saw him again in miami and he told me how his business blew up i mean i think he went
he made a lot of money within a month
and i said what what the world's going
on he said i'm working with Andrew Kroeze
um and then my mentor one of my mentors
actually rob quinn
it was actually mentored by andrew cruz
as well
um there's a lot of other people that
he's you know close-knit with
and i'm happy to have him here i wanted
to go ahead and
you know get let him talk and just tell
us about his story how he got started
how he transitioned
out of a job and everything like that so
thank you andrew for hopping on
appreciate it and uh glad to have you
yeah thank you so much man thanks for
having me
and uh so happy to be here oh no
is he gone
i don't know if i'm live by my s oh
you're back
so yeah i just uh dropped out so i'm
going to drop out a little bit so just
keep talking i can still see you and
hear you
oh okay i'm so confused by this um
but uh but yeah it's it started not too
long ago i've only been an entrepreneur
for a little over two years
um and i was working a nine-to-five job
selling crm systems microsoft dynamics
and salesforce
um and then i set a 90-day goal because
i wasn't happy with my life i hadn't
like really achieved
much that meant anything to me um
and this was in april of 2017
um that i set a goal to lose nine or
lose 90.
lose 20 pounds in 90 days and to quit
drinking for 90 days
because i was going out every weekend
just partying too much
and like i wasn't happy i was pretty
depressed um
and didn't really feel like i had any
direction in life
um and then i set that goal
and that was the the turning point where
by achieving the fitness goal i saw
my body transform and then when i hit
that number
so i started at a 183 pounds
um and 70 days in i looked down
at the uh at the scale at the yc ymca
and i was 162 pounds and it was like in
that moment i was like
holy if i just put my mind to
like i can achieve it and that was the
like turning point for me uh in terms of
and entrepreneurs our drug of choice is
momentum uh
like we catch that and we keep going and
magical magical things can come out of
that um
and uh yeah i hit that goal uh
two months later i quit my job um
then i started an advertising agency so
advertising agency it was basically a
freelancer running facebook ads for
local businesses
start with uh uh with the regular niches
chiropractors restaurants
gyms um and grew that fairly quickly
within 90 days because
i was clear-headed i was in the best
shape of my life
i uh i wasn't drinking everything was
good and i grew
that super quick um and then i opened up
a facebook group to document my journey
and that grew super quick as well zero
to a thousand members
in about a month and then people asked
for courses
and coaching and consulting for me
and so i put up a post and made uh
6 400 from that one post in one day
like in 24 hours 6 400
and i didn't even have to get up out of
my computer check like
it was sweet it was uh from a beta
launch i didn't even create any of the
course material before i launched it i
built it out along the way
and uh since then i i have been
doing that growing my facebook group um
everything totally organically no paid
um and now i have 10 employees um
and uh we have done over a million
and we have over a million dollars in
our run rate
or in our mrr so doing over a hundred
thousand dollars per month for the next
12 months
just right now uh so that's pretty cool
since the event
um and things just have
dramatically dramatically changed and it
really started with that 90-day goal
and continuing to set 90-day goals but
that first one
to lose 20 pounds um and to quit
drinking entirely
hearing your story i know a lot of a lot
of people talk about well actually
specifically david goggins he actually
i'm pretty sure you know
he is a great motivational speaker um
and uh just the fact of how he
started pretty much with you know doing
exercises and everything like that and
then everything else just started to
so i guess that's pretty much the steps
that you took as well
so i mean as far as if somebody wanted
to make a change in their life
would you recommend just doing you know
because a lot some people talk about
well you know
set you know a lot of goals at one time
and then try to go after all these goals
and do all that stuff would you
recommend that they're just going after
you know
trying to do one particular thing at a
so i mean what would you recommend
yeah i uh i would set one to
three um goals for 90 days
like personal goals if you're still
working a nine-to-five job
um and you need to remove something
if you're going to add something so i
partying and drinking and replaced it
with fitness and nutrition
so if you're adding these goals you need
to be removing something as well
and i think that's a piece that's often
you need to create the space in your
life to make something new
and it's addition by subtraction you
need to take something away to add
so um i always talk about coping versus
like take away your coping mechanisms
and add in thriving um goals and
um the best way i've been able to like
stay on track
um is this app called day count
so let me pull it up right here um
this tracks how many days in a row
you've done something
um so i've got it right here
i've been sober for 485 days i've
stretched for 14 days in a row
i've no youtube videos for two days uh
10 10 minutes of meditation no hookah
for 10 days
so as you can see i'm removing things
from my life and i'm also adding things
to my life
what day count does is it holds you
accountable to what you're doing
because i always think oh i want to do
this like i want to go smoke smoke
but i think about oh i don't want to
reset my day count like i want to reach
my goal
um so so that's a super helpful tool
small but super helpful yeah that makes
that makes perfect sense because i know
especially when you try to implement a
lot of things at one time then you
actually get nothing done because your
mind is pretty much scattered over
everywhere you're not focused on one
particular thing
and um let's also talk about you know
especially you know just going from i
guess you know an employee to
you know transitioning from an employee
to entrepreneur i mean what acts what
what things actually took place in your
mind because obviously you have a
different mindset
as an employee as you know you do you
know more so as an entrepreneur because
as an employee you're thinking well you
know i'm going to get the paycheck
the paycheck's coming at the end of the
you know the week regardless of what i
do how much effort i put in
i'm going to you know pretty much get a
paycheck now depending on if you're in
sales and all that stuff i mean
obviously yeah you get commissions based
off of you know
how many sales and all that but i mean
pretty much my background is laboratory
so regardless of whatever i did in the
lab you know whether i made a mistake
whether how many samples i put out
whatever it was you know i
i was going to get a paycheck in the end
but then once you transition to
entrepreneurs not so much you know set
in stone so i mean what do you what
thing what type of things did you
to make sure that you were actually
going to you know pretty much get a
you know at the end of the week the
month or whenever you know a consistent
yeah um i
i think what you need to think about
when you're transitioning
um is you need to prove
things to your brain that it is possible
and you're not going to prove to
yourself that you're you're
able to make 10k per month next month
it's not going to happen
you can't there's levels to this and you
can't jump from 0 to 10k in a month
what you need to do is start thinking
smaller and set
smaller goals for a shorter period of
so you can have that 10k goal but make
it in six months or make it in a year
but your first goal should be getting
your first payment online
like no matter what the price point is
and then just slowly add on top that
cool i got
a 17 uh dollar payment online
that proved to my brain that that's
possible to make money online
now new goal i want to make uh in a
hundred a hundred dollar sale
online and then you just take it step by
for me um i started with
side hustling my job and then
um having a shopify store that didn't
take off
like it wasn't a good store but
it it proved to my brain that i can make
money online and that was the first step
i didn't think about that at the time
like my brain was like i'm gonna scale
this shopify stores
seven figures it was stupid and i got
disappointed when i didn't do it
but i looked back and i'm like holy
that was so important because
i got to the next level which was just
getting a payment online um so when
you're transitioning
smaller goals in a shorter amount of
and you can set that big 10k per month
goal but make it like
six months out i see so many people just
disappoint themselves
month after month after month by setting
too big of goals
in 30 days like set you can set big
but make sure they have the time frame
where they're achievable
yeah that makes sense because you know a
lot of people actually go out there and
they tell people it's like well
if you get you know especially in the
agency world because i know i have some
agency owners in my circle as well but
you know as far as you know they want to
transition from the job startup
digital marketing agency and then they
want to go from whatever they're making
on their job
automatically you know up to 10k 20k you
know per month
but people don't necessarily think that
you know you need to set goals and
there's a lot of you know that deals
with you know a lot i mean if you're
actually you guys if you're actually
wanting to look at you know to get
you know a mentor somebody actually
wants to make your mentor your andrew
was good at doing that because i mean
obviously he's being straight up with
you because a lot of
you know experts or gurus as you know
they call them they actually
give you a goal that really you cannot
reach and obviously like he was saying
you know
you're left with disappointment i think
i heard um actually i think it might
have been travis stevenson talk about
where he was actually talking about you
know if you constantly continuously set
goals and you never reach him that's
actually going to lower your morale i
it's actually going to pretty much make
you you know think that it's like i'm
never going to you know reset goal so
you need to actually reach
you know set a goal where you can reach
you know like he said it's incremental
so you actually need to think about once
you do set that goal obviously it's
going to give you energy
it's like a snowball effect you know
pretty much you know once
the energy starts to go i mean
especially you know me working in the
lab and all that stuff once a reaction
um there's really no stopping it i mean
well you know once you mix certain
things together there's really no
stopping and that's kind of the way it
is you know
with entrepreneurship as well i mean
once you continuously start to do
things once you continuously start to
actually you know
get you know goals and you know once you
start to accomplish your goals and
everything like that
it actually begins a snowball effect and
you want to accomplish more goals that
actually give you confidence and
everything like that so yeah
um that is a good point to um bring out
and um let me actually go to the
comments here real quick actually my
wife is on here she's actually saying
coping mechanisms
muslim she says get rid of them that's
good and
sarah is on here how are you doing sarah
how are you doing tasha's on here
which obviously you know tasha tasha
taylor um
actually she's one of i guess she works
with andrew so um
obviously they know each other and
jennifer thank you
for hopping on as well jennifer says
hello so um
and honestly i know your expertise is um
groups but actually before we actually
get in well actually let's talk about
that so as far as facebook groups i mean
obviously you say when you transition
from an employee to an entrepreneur you
well you said you had your shopify store
then you also said you know you
started with the agency so how did you
transition from i guess
agency work in the facebook groups i
mean how did that you know
how did that come about yeah um
so i just started a facebook group to
document uh my journey of
growing my agency i called it the six
figure digital marketer i was making 10
10 to 15k per month um and
it's it grew super quick and then people
started asking me
for coaching for courses all of that
um and i put up a post for a beta
program saying hey i'm thinking about
doing this
running you through a program for six
weeks to help you out and uh
made sixty four hundred dollars from
there and like
as an entrepreneur i'm always trying to
find points of leverage
um i mean as a ceo that's all you're
looking for
like how are you leveraging your money
how are you leveraging your team how are
you leveraging your systems how are you
leveraging data like those are the four
um and just being able to put up a post
and make that amount of money
was way more leveraged than what i was
so um i kept running my agency but i
slowly removing the agency and started
adding more of the facebook group side
of things more courses
more coaching because it was way more
leveraged and transitioned
out of the agency um and uh
and then into more of a coaching and
consulting role
um because it's just way more leveraged
and way more impactful for
what i wanted to do like it was more
true to me so
that makes sense that makes sense so how
did you because a lot of people
uh you know you they they tell people to
actually you know start a facebook group
so i don't know how much detail because
obviously andrew has all this stuff
lined up and of course you can check it
out i'll put a link after the
interview and everything like that um
well actually he has two programs but he
can go into detail about that if he uh
wants to but i mean as far as starting a
facebook group
a lot of people have issues with just
first off you know just getting well
the one of the number one issues is
people think that they can't start a
facebook group
because they don't have anything to talk
about or anything to say
so first let's address that and deal
with that i mean how do you feel i mean
if somebody came
up to you and also you're pretty much
going to tell them to well obviously
there's a lot of other things but one
thing that you're going to tell them to
do is actually start a facebook group
so what if their response is i don't
have anything to you know talk about to
tell them
i mean what exactly would you tell them
as far as i don't have any you know i
don't have any content
um to or any no stories anything like
that what would you tell them
i'd tell them not to start a facebook
like i'm i'm an honest dude like
if i don't think their facebook group is
gonna thrive i'm gonna tell them not to
start it
but like i taking it back to proving
things to your brain
um if you're not in the headspace where
you think like you can create
content uh that will engage your
then you need to prove that to your
brain by
starting with your personal profile and
create content on your personal profile
that engages your audience and like
as soon as you see engagement on your
personal profile that will give you
to open up a facebook group and that you
do have the content that you can create
for a facebook group
so i always tell people to start on
their personal profile prove it to
themselves and start growing that
so you build up an audience that you can
to your facebook group so i actually
advise not starting with
a facebook group my program the group
growth and monetization blueprint
starts with your personal profile and um
and content on your personal profile and
the 11 different types of content
to move a stranger to a raving fan of
what you do and that's all inside the
group growth monetization blueprint
and if you're just not confident in it
um then you
need to start with your personal profile
that's good that's a good point and um
once i guess once because obviously this
started happening to me as well once you
know i kind of did that because
obviously i went through
um rob's program that i went through
your program
and actually still in your program
that's the thing about andrew's program
is the fact of
you know some of these programs and
everything they have a start time and
the end time andrews is you start and
you're pretty much never in
you just pretty much you know constantly
and continuously go
because he has group calls every week um
and he brings
top niche entrepreneurs who are pretty
much in you know just
giving you ideas and how you can grow
your business how you can grow your
pretty much just anything you need any
business um you know uh problems that
you're having
you know any issues that you're going on
not even just business problems just
personal problems or anything like that
he actually has people
that actually come in top niche
entrepreneurs that'll come in and
actually help you
do what you need to do to actually
accomplish the goals that you need to
accomplish and i mean some of the things
that i heard on i was actually on
one probably about two weeks ago and um
he actually i think he called it what
was it
um conversational um well how did he put
conversational like neuro linguistics or
you know conversational hypnosis
and i was like what no and i mean it was
it went pretty deep i mean the guy
actually went you dug deep i can't think
of his name yeah spencer burnett
identity so it was it was pretty deep in
detail i mean i missed a lot of those
because i've been out of the country and
but i mean just the fact of that you
have just every week i mean
some of these programs and everything
actually you know maybe they meet once a
month maybe they meet once a quarter and
everything like that so but every week
you actually get and it's not just the
speakers itself i mean there's also
other entrepreneurs
i mean it's the community of
entrepreneurs so the thing is if you
guys need help in your business whatever
it is you're doing because there's
uh there's niches from everything i mean
you got health niches
you have people who are in agencies you
have people just doing content creation
if you need um you know anything that um
any help with your business this will
actually you know help you out and
everything like that but i want to um
actually say yeah so
let's talk about you know the pro the uh
i guess the progression of posts and
things on your
um your facebook page because once i
started doing that people started
hitting me up in my inbox they started
asking me questions
and my wife is always on me and she's
saying you cannot continuously give them
you know answers
for free she's like you have to pretty
much you know start charging them
and everything like that but i mean the
thing is it's like at what point do you
get to
the you know where you just how do you
prevent people from coming in your inbox
you know just giving out free
information because i know i have a big
card i know you do as well so i mean how
did you
transition from actually just giving out
free information
to actually charging people to give
yeah um i think it comes from the frame
if you are just talking with them in
messenger and they're asking you
like you're you're essentially just
giving them band-aids
like what they really need and what's
really going to transform their life or
their business
um is like a program that they're
investing into themselves because when
people invest into themselves
they actually take action on it
like i've invested hundreds of thousands
of dollars over the past two years and i
think that's why i'm at where i'm at
right now i mean my work ethic
and uh actually like you're giving
yourself the
gift when you're investing into yourself
and coming from
that that frame when somebody's asking
you questions
you want to transition it to if you
think you can help them
um to say hey let's hop on a 15 minute
phone call and connect and see if i can
help you
um and then you can take that phone call
uh learning about their problems um
and what they're currently experiencing
and give them a prescription
hey i uh i think we should take this to
a longer call i
i have a program that i really think um
that can help you solve these problems
are you open to um
extending this call or would you like to
schedule a call a little later on
um so that's the easiest way to do it
get them up
like if they're hitting you up all the
time and you think you can help them get
them on a 15-minute connection call
take it to a sales call um another
option is
if you want to make it a little bit more
scalable um we teach
our clients how to create 97 master
that solve a very specific problem in
their ideal clients business or personal
and then you base those master classes
off the questions that you're getting in
and on your posts over and over and over
so um
you just say hey i have a master class
that will solve this exact problem
here's the link if you want it
um and then that way there's an exchange
of uh of
value there where they're not just
taking from you
um they're paying you money to buy your
master class and both parties are happy
and um let me see so my wife actually
says do you
take people people on a journey in group
do you set it up like a mental funnel
and call to action
so you can um we do not we have a five
challenge um facebook group growth and
engagement challenge
um that we that we've started tagging
our new members in
um so they go through the five day
challenge at the end of each day there's
a call to action to
um join the group growth and
monetization blueprint
um so it's kind of like that um i'm
honestly mike you're gonna be surprised
to hear this
i'm not a good marketer like i'm not
i'm just really good at getting people
and i just show people that i get people
and that's how i market i'm very bad at
psychological marketing things but i'm
really good at delivering results
so and like the best things that sell
your your services your programs what
have you
are your testimonials and we have a
ton of them
um so i mean the main thing is like
care about people and get them results
because i've never been a really good
marketer i've just been really good at
getting people results
and i mean that's pretty much all you
need to do anyway because that's really
what people want is results so i mean
regardless of
you know i know very good marketers but
yet they
they're so good at you know marketing
that that's all they can do is really
just market but then once you get into
their program or you know into their
mastermind or anything like that you
know it's pretty much just
it's like where are the results at yeah
can i share a little i mean that's
really important
i'd love to share a little gold with a
bit of course creation
oh yes of course go ahead so
it's a huge pet peeve of mine when um
i buy a program like a course and
the videos are basically just marketing
and they're just
telling me a story about themselves for
like 15 minutes
i'm like what the did i just buy i
bought a course to get me a result
so i just want the goods i just want the
golden nuggets
so how we've started um setting up our
we uh break it down into modules like a
step-by-step process to get people the
and then within each module how we have
it set it up have it set up
is an overview of everything that's
going to be taught in that model
so the what and then really quick why
each video is important and then how to
complete the action for each video or
how to complete that thing that you need
to complete
for each video each step in the module
and then the very last thing
in each video is a call to action this
is exactly what you need to do
right now to get the result that you
want so we've started
setting up our programs like that and
the results have been bonkers
because we don't market in our courses
we we set them up to
get the clients the result um
so if you if you want to set up your
courses in that way
it starts with um what why
how and call to action so if you set up
your modules like that
what is it why am i doing it how do i do
it in a step by step
step one step two step three boom and
this is what action you need to take um
and if you set up your programs like
that you will get your clients results
that makes perfect sense i told you guys
that everything he does is pretty much
you know he just has a system the way
that he does stuff so if you
have any type of value receiving any
type of value hit the uh
like button hit the heart button smash
something put a comment in the
box actually let me address some of the
comments so actually sue hopped on which
i know you know sue moses she's actually
in the
group moderation group so it says hi
mike you made it
and um let's see i already answered that
question with
um sue and then i know you know nick as
well actually i met nick
lopez mastermind so that's how we first
met and
saw that he was actually in your uh
group as well so
he's on here and he says thanks so nick
you are so welcome
um can i put a public apology out there
as well um to ty lopez
if you're watching uh i've always talked
about tai lopez
but i've been reflecting on this
recently i am so grateful for
that guy
because if he hadn't brought so many
into the market and if he hadn't
inspired so many people to quit their
jobs and realize that
entrepreneurship is an option for them
like that actually happened with me he
like his course was the first one that i
bought and it inspired me to quit my job
was it a good course
no it was terrible but i am so
grateful for him because he's he's
changed so many people's lives he's
really been like the
ignition key to so many people like
quitting their job and being
inspired to start entrepreneurship so
for all the that i talk about uh
tai lopez i want to put a public apology
out there
uh and say i'm sorry it's high
um actually yeah because actually uh
well i love kyle lopez and i mean
i guess even you were talking about i
mean yeah some of these programs and
stuff like that are questionable
and you know pretty much you know just
as far as you know getting results and
everything like that but i mean the
mindset tom oakley focuses on
you know just setting you know the right
level in the right mindset
and pretty much just like you said you
know he actually you know
pretty much it takes employees and it
lets them realize and understand
that you know they start looking at
different things because actually that's
kind of how i started
out you know with um tai lopez in the
inception of you know me transitioning
pretty much just my mind section he was
one factor
i'll say i had a little bit before that
my wife was actually number one first
she was actually the one
that actually got me started you know
seeing that
you can make money online because
actually she made money online and i was
like you know
i started looking into it but um yeah ty
i mean i love you
todd yeah he's good you know as far as
he is a very good marketer
and he's good at putting things together
i mean if you look at some of his
courses and everything like that it's
just pretty much
you know his courses actually he brings
in other people to actually teach and
everything like that experts on the
subject which
i mean his ear pluses are minuses i mean
he's the one that actually put the
course together so
he pretty much gets the money and you
know i don't know how he distributes it
or anything like that
but um and then sue um actually said she
said she thinks that masterclass is a
fatherless way to get started
um with online coping which that is um
very good
and um jennifer says are these master
classes um
paid or free which um i think you can
cover that so
i don't know if you want to address that
again but i've seen
uh i i usually charge 97. well i've
always charged ninety seven dollars for
my master classes but i have clients
that charge 47 to 197
for master classes they're typically uh
90 minutes to three hours long usually
you schedule them for 90 minutes but
some people like uh mario uh uh pajas
uh if i said that right um he just did
one that was like in
three hours and fifteen minutes so
sometimes you just get into the flow and
ham uh it's a fun way to get people just
like holy that was so much value in
like three hours
and then um uh some of them will upgrade
to your program
so uh if you have programs but you can
also just start with the 97
master classes and then um i know we got
little bit more time here because i know
andrew's on a tight schedule my wife
says yeah he's charged um
he said 97 masterclasses would you just
address and um jennifer says
is the five day challenge automated or
held live
for the five days on scheduled dates
so um i did them all pre-recorded
um they were in live if you want to
check out the five day challenge
just go to uh seven figure business
scaling secrets
that's my facebook group you go to the
units tab that's on the left hand side
and you scroll down a little bit you'll
see the five day group growth and
challenge and i've actually used that to
grow my youtube channel
to grow my messenger bot list so when i
first released that
um i made a post in my group saying hey
who wants to go through this challenge
and then everybody that commented i sent
over a messenger bot link
so they clicked that to join uh my
messenger bot
and then i dripped out the videos each
day uh
on uh and they were hosted on youtube
and i just moved everything to my group
um after i created that post and sent
all those messages out
all right and then sue has a question it
um what if anything should we post on
our page
uh so on your business page you're not
gonna get
uh much of any engagement um unless you
have like hundreds of thousands of likes
and they're
engaging already but you're not gonna
get that much engagement you get limited
reach on a business page
unless you pay uh it's a pay-to-play
so we don't post anything on our
business page i think we have a few
posts that are just copy and paste from
my personal profile just to have
something there
but we have a business page because you
need to link up your messenger bot
to a business page and you can't link it
up to a personal page so that's a reason
why we have
a business page
and then my wife says yay ty and
susan says is mario however you say that
you got it so uh yeah
oh that's that's good to know and then
obviously yeah so actually this is going
to be the um last question usually i
close on this question
and i'm pretty sure you heard this
question before i really didn't go back
probably listen to it maybe last year
sometime on
your interview with rob quinn but um so
i guess if you were to have one
what would it be and why oh
good question i thought this would be
easy for you i'm sure i'm sure rob asked
you this question before
i i probably i probably said something
stupid like
flying um one superpower
what came to my mind was uh
human connection
like being able to connect deeply with
other humans i don't know how to put it
into like a non-creepy
superpower um but our whole business
um is our our purpose is to connect
people to their tribes and help them
grow their tribes so
um our purpose is human connection um
and uh i went through five years of
depression where um
i didn't feel connected to anything um
so my superpower would be something
around just feeling connected to
um all the time um as strange as that
but uh i think it's what lights people
up like when you feel more
um you're you just feel more alive
so yeah and there's a few more questions
trickling in but i know we still got
maybe like one or so minutes left or so
but um
uh actually andrew if you want to ask
these questions actually andrew will
actually come
um actually you can go to a group if you
want to give a right here mike
i'll just answer them right here that's
cool all right i don't know how much
time you have left but uh let's see so
my wife actually said she just
resurrected the old group and maybe i
should start
uh five days challenge that's probably
the best thing to do
i mean if you have over like 500 people
in that group typically it's not worth
trying to get the engagement back i
would just start a new group but if it's
under like 500 people
i would start with a five-day challenge
usually that's the best way to get the
engagement back up
all right and then how do you um
it's a um jennifer you know how do you
get content to post daily
um i think the biggest thing um
is just doing cool
like make your life super cool
and do things out of the ordinary and
push your comfort zone
and stories will come to your mind that
you can tell um
but besides that um customer research
um so if you're for example if you're
a fitness coach you can ask hey what's
your number one struggle when it comes
to dieting
and then people will say uh what's a
good example
um i'm too addicted to sweets and then
you can create content around how you
can wean your addiction off suites
um so you just ask your audience what
they want
and then create it and
so sorry mario
my bad dude and um
actually andrew has a gift that he wants
to give away to you guys actually i
don't know if you want to talk about it
now that's a revenue
um calculator accident but yeah
yeah so actually i just dropped it just
dropped me in the comments
yeah um i think what holds a lot of
people back is not setting clear
goals and not being able to see how
possible it actually
is to reach your financial goals
so what i've done is i've created a
revenue calculator where you can
actually plug in what your annual goal
is for your revenue and then you can
break it down into
how much you need to sell to actually
hit that goal
you can change like the numbers of your
offers and then
it will break it down into how many
sales calls you need to get on
um and how many reach outs you need to
uh to generate those sales calls um and
you'll look at those numbers and you're
like holy that's possible
i can hit a million dollars in a year if
i just set it up like this
now i need to work backwards of like how
how do i need to set this up so uh it
puts it in your brain of holy this
is possible
and then mario says it's all good he
says it's fine
that you and you messed up and it messed
up his name
but you know that's the joys and the
benefits of being on live i mean you
know you can say anything do anything
um you know anything can happen so i
thank you andrew for
um hopping on and um i hope you guys can
see that actually i got a message from
facebook i don't know if they changed
something or not
jennifer said something important she
said if you are
camera shy how do you manage to come on
live consistently
it's by doing your first one
just do
i i challenge you uh to do your first
facebook live
uh right after this just hop on live
um just accept you might poop your pants
by just being so nervous but just do it
and it will get out of your system
like i got a message yesterday somebody
reached out uh
an old friend from college reached out
to me on snapchat she's like how the
are you on all these stages now
like you were so nervous doing a
presentation in front of 10 students in
and i'm like yeah i just started doing
it and i relate my nerves more to
excitement than i do
to fear now and it's just a transition
by doing it more and more and more
um so just do it you know and
like it will become natural become a
thing so
yeah and uh yeah that makes sense
actually i want to since you touched on
it and since you brought it up
since you addressed it actually i'm the
same way i mean i'm pretty much i'm an
introvert i mean i've taken
many personalities tests mars briggs and
everything like that and i'm an
introvert so i mean if you if i can get
on here and do it then you can as well i
mean that's the thing
a lot of people just talk about you know
just getting started you know make um
imperfect action i mean you don't have
to be perfect in everything you do
just go ahead and start doing something
i mean i have a saying i have a logo
um it's pretty much just you know always
be moving because an object that rest
stays at rest so i mean you have to
continuously be moving i mean just get
up and do something
and don't just sit and wait for you know
pretty much everything to be perfect and
set in place
don't wait for all your ducks to get
lined up in a row or anything like that
don't wait for the fear to go away
because the fear may not ever go away
and um she says with overcoming shyness
so i mean yeah that's pretty much the
same thing i mean just get out there you
know just
just start doing it and actually um just
to you know just to let you know just to
give you a little bit i thought about
this in some of my lives before
some other interviews and everything
like that but actually it was a lady
that actually hit me up
in my inbox and she was saying mike used
to be shy used to do all this she used
to not say anything
and um she said now you're on all these
lives and everything and even you can
talk to my friend like one of my best
friends even my wife in general
i was telling her pretty much how not to
um how i didn't want to go on social
i didn't want to show my face i don't
want to put my kids or anything on face
and then i just started doing it
and it actually becomes a pretty much a
and i won't say you get used to it
because i still get nervous with any of
you still getting nervous on going live
so the fear and the shyness may not ever
away but the thing is you just have to
constantly continuously
progressively keep going and keep moving
forward and um
and then she says actually jennifer says
thanks i will
and my wife says give yourself a
um i did that last year it gets better
after each one
yeah it does you know it does get better
i guess in a way but
i still have some issues with just
jumping on but once i get started
everything else just pretty much just
falls in place
and um soon says wise words mike and
then also
wise words andrew so you guys um give a
shout out or actually you can
give a plug to your group um which you
pretty much just said is group um
seven figure c or seven figure business
scaling secrets
um and uh there's just a bunch of good
stuff in there um
whether you are shooting for that seven
figure number
or going for six figures it's either one
it's great for both
yeah so thank you guys we had andrew
cruz thank you guys for hopping on thank
you guys for staying engaged
um if you found any value from this
obviously you got friends who want to
start a facebook group we got friends
who want to you know maybe make extra
and maybe you yourself want to reach out
to um andrew
you got a story to tell i mean that's
one thing about andrea i didn't
necessarily get into his goals or
anything like that but i know he has
one particular coach and see how big his
heart is because he said
on one of his posts that he wanted to
give away a million dollars before he
actually turned what was it
thirty two years yeah so uh yeah so um
actually we did not get into that but i
mean his heart is big so he actually
wants to help you guys so if you want to
connect with him
share this video and actually if you
want to connect with him just go to his
but if you want other people to actually
find a mentor and an expert or somebody
who's already doing this has already
numerous people i mean you can go to his
uh page on his personal
facebook page you can look at all the
testimonies you can go to the
um the uh the link that i'm getting
ready to put in here you can see all the
testimonies that are actually
on the page of people who have actually
went into a program who is actually
and um you can i mean obviously he can
do the same thing for you as well you
just have to stay motivated positive
and you just have to do the work but uh
thank you again andrew everybody's
saying they're giving their shout outs
um jennifer says thanks she will i think
i threw that up there
and susan says cheers gentlemen and my
wife says thanks andrew for um hopping
so we thank you guys for tuning in and
thank you again andrew i know you have a
busy schedule
so uh thank you for hopping on and uh we
finally did it finally got the interview
got another one under my belt and uh it
was good so appreciate you hopping on
and uh take care everybody and until the
next time we'll see you again
have a go